Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ticked off

I got ticked off on the weekend at a company that offered me a gig but was not being honest. They dangled a carrot and then changed the terms. I felt I should warn my writing friends as I knew they'd be recruiting again soon. They seem to have done a bit of an about face so are trying to redeem themselves. Either that or they are really poor (really really poor) communicators. In any case, I'm done talking about it (I think.) It's getting frustrating and I know I made the right decision by walking away. Not only were things changing but they were doing a lot of double talking.

I am also close to fed up with another online acquaintance who is a self professed guru that I think is getting so transparent I'm finding myself shocked. I guess I need to just lay low and work hard to get over the drama. I swear the last few days have been like dealing with office politics. Not going back to that rat race!

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