Friday, July 27, 2007

My Sacred Heart Diet Journal, Day 2

Today on the sacred heart diet menu was more soup and vegetables. Last night wasn't hard until bedtime when my 3 yr old talked about what he wanted for breakfast. Toast and cheese. Those are two things I adore that I can't eat right now. My stomach grumbled very loudly! I wasn't hungry but was craving dairy and carbs.I enjoyed the soup yesterday and the fruit. At bedtime though my pants wouldn't stay done up. I was wearing velcro zipped capris and kept hearing a loud rrrrrrrrip. lol.

I was up two lbs at bedtime and bloated. So much soup and vegetables. I had 2 bowls and two mugs.

Today, Day 2: I wasn't hungry until lunch and ate a giant salad with the hellmann's spritzer's italian dressing (sparingly) and a big bowl of soup. I enjoyed it.
This aft. we went shopping though and when I walked into the grocery store, there's a deli/prepared food's counter and I could smell fries and roasted chicken. My tummy hurt and I felt absolutely famished.

I had a lot of diarrhea this a.m. and ended up down to 134 afterwards. tomorrow's weigh-in should be interesting.

For dinner I stir fried some steamed vegetables in a little butter and a lot of spices and we ate a baked potato and a half a bowl of soup. I'm stuffed. I also ate a few handfuls of baby carrots this aft.

My husband got ticked this aft because Sunday is our anniversary and I absentmindedly suggested going out for dinner. He threatened to bite me. LOL.

If you're interested in starting at the beginning, here's a link to: Day 1 of The Sacred Heart Soup Diet

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